your looks are laughable, unphotographable, yet you're my favourite work of art* [Links of Love]

This is supposed to be a Links-of-Love post (and it is, just wait and you'll see), but I had already picked out these lyrics as the title of my next post. I've been exposed to a lot of great -or simply interesting- music lately, a result of my own need for inspiration and exploration of the music universe as well as of interaction with new people. Funny fact: (Almost) every guy I meet/ date/ kiss/ chat with tries to get me into the music he listens, sometimes trying to give a sort of (musical) education. Sometimes I end up loving it, sometimes I just shrug indifferently. So when somebody asks the all-time classic question "What kind of music do you listen to?", my response is usually "Erm, pretty much everything.", since "Music my ex-boyfriends listened to, movie soundtracks and music I discover while browsing various tumblr accounts" sounds a little too complicated. ;)

Here come my links of love!

  1. A music playlist for people who are madly in love (in a Notebook way).
  2. Incredible photos of dancers.
  3. Listen sister, don't date a hipster.
  4. Quotes about heartbreak from famous authors.
  5. Small boobs. Hurray!
  6. What to do when you've done somebody angry.
  7. A flickr account to fall in love with. (My fave are the umbrella shots!)
  8. Ooh, Shakira, Shakira.
  9. Dat stylish man.
  10. How is your heart?- A poem by Charles Bukowski


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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.